House of Esther: Immersive Purim Experience

28 Feb 2018 Wednesday
01 Mar 2018 Thursday

House of Esther: Immersive Purim Experience

17 Meadow St.
The Paper Box
08:00 pm

What if you could set foot into the mysterious home of history’s most heroic femme fatale? What spirits would you encounter there, and what might they whisper into your ear? To find out, accept our coveted invitation to the HOUSE OF ESTHER, taking shape only during the two nights of Purim when the many faces and voices of Queen Esther will be revealed.

From the moment you enter the HOUSE OF ESTHER in a discreet Bushwick location, you will experience Esther’s complex and dynamic world. The evening will feature immersive and interactive vignettes created in collaboration with Lost & Found Project and directed by the acclaimed Gera Sandler. All set against a mesmerizing original musical score. You will trace the unpredictable journey of a woman who overcomes an existential threat to her people by discovering her timely and powerful voice.

As evening turns to night in the HOUSE OF ESTHER, the dance floor and bar will open to guests and the cast, as enchanting music and the intoxicating triumph of good over evil fills the air.

Only those 21+ can enter the HOUSE OF ESTHER.

Illustration by @Natasha Mileshina